

A Priority Programme of Govt. of India

All India Sanctions and Disbursements for Sub-Transmission & Distribution(All Cost in Cr.)

S.No.State / UT NameNo. of Project Areas (Discom / Zone / Circle)No. of CirclesTowns CoveredApproved Project CostGoI Grant ApprovedGrant Released (Project)PMA Grant ApprovedGrant Released (PMA)Approved Project + PMA CostTotal GoI Grant ApprovedTotal GoI Grant Released
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.000
2 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1 1 1 31.15 18.70 10.64 0.00 0.000 31.15 18.70 10.640
3 Andhra Pradesh 13 13 90 687.03 412.21 412.21 3.43 3.170 690.46 415.64 415.380
4 Arunachal Pradesh 3 3 9 150.10 127.59 106.75 0.75 0.680 150.85 128.34 107.430
5 Assam 19 19 88 688.00 584.80 544.62 3.44 0.600 691.44 588.24 545.220
6 Bihar 20 16 134 2734.87 1640.93 1486.20 13.68 12.390 2748.55 1654.61 1498.590
7 Chhattisgarh 15 15 182 514.52 308.71 261.54 2.57 2.370 517.09 311.28 263.910
8 Delhi 1 1 1 196.92 118.15 107.18 0.98 0.790 197.90 119.13 107.970
9 Goa 2 2 14 32.07 19.24 17.19 0.16 0.150 32.23 19.40 17.340
10 Gujarat 24 24 166 1121.83 673.09 645.53 5.61 4.250 1127.44 678.70 649.780
11 Haryana 18 18 47 388.65 233.17 178.70 1.94 1.520 390.59 235.11 180.220
12 Himachal Pradesh 12 12 54 110.60 93.94 93.99 0.55 0.530 111.15 94.49 94.520
13 Jammu & Kashmir 11 11 83 424.48 360.74 310.91 2.12 1.910 426.60 362.86 312.820
14 Jharkhand 15 15 40 751.73 451.04 439.91 3.76 3.380 755.49 454.80 443.290
15 Karnataka 25 28 223 1191.69 715.00 701.50 6.15 5.830 1197.84 721.15 707.330
16 Kerala 26 26 64 597.46 358.48 350.68 2.99 2.900 600.45 361.47 353.580
17 Ladakh 1 1 2 20.02 17.01 15.44 0.10 0.090 20.12 17.11 15.530
18 Madhya Pradesh 43 43 311 1549.36 929.59 876.71 7.75 6.380 1557.11 937.34 883.090
19 Maharashtra 46 46 255 2405.08 1443.06 1385.90 12.02 4.020 2417.10 1455.08 1389.920
20 Manipur 3 3 18 133.43 113.42 95.56 0.67 0.200 134.10 114.09 95.760
21 Meghalaya 6 6 9 62.03 52.73 43.72 0.31 0.282 62.34 53.04 44.002
22 Mizoram 1 1 12 89.16 75.79 68.09 0.45 0.410 89.61 76.24 68.500
23 Nagaland 1 2 12 118.86 101.03 95.67 0.59 0.170 119.45 101.62 95.840
24 Odisha 21 21 112 1077.84 646.68 593.47 5.40 4.990 1083.24 652.08 598.460
25 Puducherry 1 1 6 21.63 12.98 8.70 0.11 0.100 21.74 13.09 8.800
26 Punjab 5 20 102 329.99 197.98 184.27 1.65 1.370 331.64 199.63 185.640
27 Rajasthan 35 35 185 1343.22 805.93 770.20 6.70 5.180 1349.92 812.63 775.380
28 Sikkim 6 6 8 100.20 85.17 76.61 0.50 0.450 100.70 85.67 77.060
29 Tamil Nadu 37 37 522 1695.86 1017.52 952.02 8.47 7.930 1704.33 1025.99 959.950
30 Telangana 11 14 67 688.98 413.40 377.36 3.44 3.120 692.42 416.84 380.480
31 Tripura 9 9 20 202.02 171.70 128.79 1.00 0.300 203.02 172.70 129.090
32 Uttar Pradesh 49 68 637 5379.29 3227.57 2915.89 26.87 21.280 5406.16 3254.44 2937.170
33 Uttarakhand 11 11 38 590.02 501.53 396.35 2.94 2.420 592.96 504.47 398.770
34 West Bengal 19 19 122 2925.02 1755.02 1593.73 14.63 13.170 2939.65 1769.65 1606.900
 Total :510547363428353.1117683.9016246.03141.73112.33228494.8417825.6316358.362